Weingut - Detailansicht

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Langelinie vin
Denmark - Zealand

Winery description:

Our small Vineyard is situated in North Zealand and consists of 2700 Vines. The Grapes varieties are Solaris, Cabernet Cantor and Souvignier Gris. 


our wines
Cabernet Cantor rose' - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Solaris 2022 - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

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Langelinie vin
Denmark - Zealand

Winery description:

Our small Vineyard is situated in North Zealand and consists of 2700 Vines. The Grapes varieties are Solaris, Cabernet Cantor and Souvignier Gris. 


our wines
Cabernet Cantor rose' - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Solaris 2022 - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

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Langelinie vin
Denmark - Zealand

Winery description:

Our small Vineyard is situated in North Zealand and consists of 2700 Vines. The Grapes varieties are Solaris, Cabernet Cantor and Souvignier Gris. 


our wines
Cabernet Cantor rose' - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Solaris 2022 - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

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Langelinie vin
Denmark - Zealand

Winery description:

Our small Vineyard is situated in North Zealand and consists of 2700 Vines. The Grapes varieties are Solaris, Cabernet Cantor and Souvignier Gris. 


our wines
Cabernet Cantor rose' - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Solaris 2022 - 2022 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de