Weingut - Detailansicht

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Wine Manufacture 3 lines
Germany - Franconia

Winery description:

3 lines with which it all began.

In fact, at the beginning we had just 3 rows of vines at our disposal, which we did not even own. Without even owning a harvesting bucket and scissors, let alone a tractor, we nevertheless dared to take the step towards owning our own vineyard and in the meantime, we have almost 4 ha.

We both have other jobs during the day. In our free time, we devote ourselves entirely to our wines. We run our garage winery without any family or historical background. That's why, unfortunately, we don't own a stately vineyard with a long driveway. A pity really. With several places to go, such as the wine cellar here, the salesroom there and the equipment hall there, some afternoons/evenings are very varied.

As career changers, we often have completely different views than our winemaking colleagues. We like to experiment. They are small steps, but we grow with and on our vines. Slowly but steadily.

Honest, well-crafted wines that we like are our hobbyhorse and if you like them too, then of course we are delighted.

Visitors with an affinity for wine are welcome in our "old Waschküchn".

Our wines
Franconian Set - 2021 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC site wine - 2019 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Franconian Set 3ZEILEN.ORTSWEIN - 2019 - Grand Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Silvaner single vineyard wine - 2019 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
SILVANER 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

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Wine Manufacture 3 lines
Germany - Franconia

Winery description:

3 lines with which it all began.

In fact, at the beginning we had just 3 rows of vines at our disposal, which we did not even own. Without even owning a harvesting bucket and scissors, let alone a tractor, we nevertheless dared to take the step towards owning our own vineyard and in the meantime, we have almost 4 ha.

We both have other jobs during the day. In our free time, we devote ourselves entirely to our wines. We run our garage winery without any family or historical background. That's why, unfortunately, we don't own a stately vineyard with a long driveway. A pity really. With several places to go, such as the wine cellar here, the salesroom there and the equipment hall there, some afternoons/evenings are very varied.

As career changers, we often have completely different views than our winemaking colleagues. We like to experiment. They are small steps, but we grow with and on our vines. Slowly but steadily.

Honest, well-crafted wines that we like are our hobbyhorse and if you like them too, then of course we are delighted.

Visitors with an affinity for wine are welcome in our "old Waschküchn".

Our wines
Franconian Set - 2021 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC site wine - 2019 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Franconian Set 3ZEILEN.ORTSWEIN - 2019 - Grand Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Silvaner single vineyard wine - 2019 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
SILVANER 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

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Wine Manufacture 3 lines
Germany - Franconia

Winery description:

3 lines with which it all began.

In fact, at the beginning we had just 3 rows of vines at our disposal, which we did not even own. Without even owning a harvesting bucket and scissors, let alone a tractor, we nevertheless dared to take the step towards owning our own vineyard and in the meantime, we have almost 4 ha.

We both have other jobs during the day. In our free time, we devote ourselves entirely to our wines. We run our garage winery without any family or historical background. That's why, unfortunately, we don't own a stately vineyard with a long driveway. A pity really. With several places to go, such as the wine cellar here, the salesroom there and the equipment hall there, some afternoons/evenings are very varied.

As career changers, we often have completely different views than our winemaking colleagues. We like to experiment. They are small steps, but we grow with and on our vines. Slowly but steadily.

Honest, well-crafted wines that we like are our hobbyhorse and if you like them too, then of course we are delighted.

Visitors with an affinity for wine are welcome in our "old Waschküchn".

Our wines
Franconian Set - 2021 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC site wine - 2019 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Franconian Set 3ZEILEN.ORTSWEIN - 2019 - Grand Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Silvaner single vineyard wine - 2019 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
SILVANER 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

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Wine Manufacture 3 lines
Germany - Franconia

Winery description:

3 lines with which it all began.

In fact, at the beginning we had just 3 rows of vines at our disposal, which we did not even own. Without even owning a harvesting bucket and scissors, let alone a tractor, we nevertheless dared to take the step towards owning our own vineyard and in the meantime, we have almost 4 ha.

We both have other jobs during the day. In our free time, we devote ourselves entirely to our wines. We run our garage winery without any family or historical background. That's why, unfortunately, we don't own a stately vineyard with a long driveway. A pity really. With several places to go, such as the wine cellar here, the salesroom there and the equipment hall there, some afternoons/evenings are very varied.

As career changers, we often have completely different views than our winemaking colleagues. We like to experiment. They are small steps, but we grow with and on our vines. Slowly but steadily.

Honest, well-crafted wines that we like are our hobbyhorse and if you like them too, then of course we are delighted.

Visitors with an affinity for wine are welcome in our "old Waschküchn".

Our wines
Franconian Set - 2021 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC site wine - 2019 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Franconian Set 3ZEILEN.ORTSWEIN - 2019 - Grand Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Silvaner single vineyard wine - 2019 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
SILVANER 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

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Wine Manufacture 3 lines
Germany - Franconia

Winery description:

3 lines with which it all began.

In fact, at the beginning we had just 3 rows of vines at our disposal, which we did not even own. Without even owning a harvesting bucket and scissors, let alone a tractor, we nevertheless dared to take the step towards owning our own vineyard and in the meantime, we have almost 4 ha.

We both have other jobs during the day. In our free time, we devote ourselves entirely to our wines. We run our garage winery without any family or historical background. That's why, unfortunately, we don't own a stately vineyard with a long driveway. A pity really. With several places to go, such as the wine cellar here, the salesroom there and the equipment hall there, some afternoons/evenings are very varied.

As career changers, we often have completely different views than our winemaking colleagues. We like to experiment. They are small steps, but we grow with and on our vines. Slowly but steadily.

Honest, well-crafted wines that we like are our hobbyhorse and if you like them too, then of course we are delighted.

Visitors with an affinity for wine are welcome in our "old Waschküchn".

Our wines
Franconian Set - 2021 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC site wine - 2019 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Franconian Set 3ZEILEN.ORTSWEIN - 2019 - Grand Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Silvaner single vineyard wine - 2019 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
SILVANER 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

Previous winery Back to the list next winery

Wine Manufacture 3 lines
Germany - Franconia

Winery description:

3 lines with which it all began.

In fact, at the beginning we had just 3 rows of vines at our disposal, which we did not even own. Without even owning a harvesting bucket and scissors, let alone a tractor, we nevertheless dared to take the step towards owning our own vineyard and in the meantime, we have almost 4 ha.

We both have other jobs during the day. In our free time, we devote ourselves entirely to our wines. We run our garage winery without any family or historical background. That's why, unfortunately, we don't own a stately vineyard with a long driveway. A pity really. With several places to go, such as the wine cellar here, the salesroom there and the equipment hall there, some afternoons/evenings are very varied.

As career changers, we often have completely different views than our winemaking colleagues. We like to experiment. They are small steps, but we grow with and on our vines. Slowly but steadily.

Honest, well-crafted wines that we like are our hobbyhorse and if you like them too, then of course we are delighted.

Visitors with an affinity for wine are welcome in our "old Waschküchn".

Our wines
Franconian Set - 2021 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC site wine - 2019 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Franconian Set 3ZEILEN.ORTSWEIN - 2019 - Grand Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
Silvaner single vineyard wine - 2019 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
BLANC 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
SILVANER 3LINES.LAGENWEIN - 2018 - Gold Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de