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Societa Agricola Florem Vitis
Italien - Venetien - Treviso

Descrizione dell'azienda vinicola:

Florem Vitis company's vineyards are located at the base of the Grappa Massiccio Chain, more precisely, in Cassanego, Borso del Grappa - Treviso, at an altitude of approximately 450 m slm, and it's thanks to this particular position that vines have a favourable climate, which leads to a favourable influence on our wines. 

Florem Vitis cames from the meeting of the Bizzotto families, sharing a common ideas and origins. This important connecubum takes place thanks to the desire to cultivate vineyards according to old origins and to rediscover passion for genuine natural wine. 

Our wines come from PIWI - resistant vineyards, which allows Florem Vitis to be part of a concept of sustainable agriculture: returning to a wine - growing and oneological culture without chemestry to make unique and unimitable wines, respecting nature and enviroment. There are many hand - crosses in vineyards, from potour to chessing, to grapes by removing grape bunches unsuitable for collection and also by hand-made harvesting. 

Nostri vini
FloremVitis Meavia - IGT Veneto Bianco - Muscaris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Rosauri - IGT Veneto - Souvignier Gris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Jacadee - IGT Veneto Rosso - Carbenet Cortis - 2019 - Oro Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

Cantina precedente Ritorna alla lista prossima cantina

Societa Agricola Florem Vitis
Italien - Venetien - Treviso

Descrizione dell'azienda vinicola:

Florem Vitis company's vineyards are located at the base of the Grappa Massiccio Chain, more precisely, in Cassanego, Borso del Grappa - Treviso, at an altitude of approximately 450 m slm, and it's thanks to this particular position that vines have a favourable climate, which leads to a favourable influence on our wines. 

Florem Vitis cames from the meeting of the Bizzotto families, sharing a common ideas and origins. This important connecubum takes place thanks to the desire to cultivate vineyards according to old origins and to rediscover passion for genuine natural wine. 

Our wines come from PIWI - resistant vineyards, which allows Florem Vitis to be part of a concept of sustainable agriculture: returning to a wine - growing and oneological culture without chemestry to make unique and unimitable wines, respecting nature and enviroment. There are many hand - crosses in vineyards, from potour to chessing, to grapes by removing grape bunches unsuitable for collection and also by hand-made harvesting. 

Nostri vini
FloremVitis Meavia - IGT Veneto Bianco - Muscaris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Rosauri - IGT Veneto - Souvignier Gris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Jacadee - IGT Veneto Rosso - Carbenet Cortis - 2019 - Oro Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

Cantina precedente Ritorna alla lista prossima cantina

Societa Agricola Florem Vitis
Italien - Venetien - Treviso

Descrizione dell'azienda vinicola:

Florem Vitis company's vineyards are located at the base of the Grappa Massiccio Chain, more precisely, in Cassanego, Borso del Grappa - Treviso, at an altitude of approximately 450 m slm, and it's thanks to this particular position that vines have a favourable climate, which leads to a favourable influence on our wines. 

Florem Vitis cames from the meeting of the Bizzotto families, sharing a common ideas and origins. This important connecubum takes place thanks to the desire to cultivate vineyards according to old origins and to rediscover passion for genuine natural wine. 

Our wines come from PIWI - resistant vineyards, which allows Florem Vitis to be part of a concept of sustainable agriculture: returning to a wine - growing and oneological culture without chemestry to make unique and unimitable wines, respecting nature and enviroment. There are many hand - crosses in vineyards, from potour to chessing, to grapes by removing grape bunches unsuitable for collection and also by hand-made harvesting. 

Nostri vini
FloremVitis Meavia - IGT Veneto Bianco - Muscaris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Rosauri - IGT Veneto - Souvignier Gris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Jacadee - IGT Veneto Rosso - Carbenet Cortis - 2019 - Oro Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de

Weingut - Detailansicht

Cantina precedente Ritorna alla lista prossima cantina

Societa Agricola Florem Vitis
Italien - Venetien - Treviso

Descrizione dell'azienda vinicola:

Florem Vitis company's vineyards are located at the base of the Grappa Massiccio Chain, more precisely, in Cassanego, Borso del Grappa - Treviso, at an altitude of approximately 450 m slm, and it's thanks to this particular position that vines have a favourable climate, which leads to a favourable influence on our wines. 

Florem Vitis cames from the meeting of the Bizzotto families, sharing a common ideas and origins. This important connecubum takes place thanks to the desire to cultivate vineyards according to old origins and to rediscover passion for genuine natural wine. 

Our wines come from PIWI - resistant vineyards, which allows Florem Vitis to be part of a concept of sustainable agriculture: returning to a wine - growing and oneological culture without chemestry to make unique and unimitable wines, respecting nature and enviroment. There are many hand - crosses in vineyards, from potour to chessing, to grapes by removing grape bunches unsuitable for collection and also by hand-made harvesting. 

Nostri vini
FloremVitis Meavia - IGT Veneto Bianco - Muscaris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Rosauri - IGT Veneto - Souvignier Gris - 2020 - Silver Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
FloremVitis Jacadee - IGT Veneto Rosso - Carbenet Cortis - 2019 - Oro Bewertungsbogen nach PAR

WINE System AG - 83112 Frasdorf - 08023 91633 0 - info@winesystem.de - www.winesystem.de