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Grand Gold (96 - 100 PAR points)
Gold (90 - 95 PAR points)
Silver (83 - 89 PAR points)
Bronze (75 - 82 PAR points)
PIWI (fungus-resistant grape varieties)
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Search for winery "Weinhof Winter
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To view the score sheet, please click on the score next to the wine.

     Category "Red wine

PAR points Country - Region Winery Wine appellation
88 Silver PAR Bogen D - Saale-Unstrut  Winter wine farm 2019 Regent Barillet - "Nebra Venus" QbA

     Category "White wine

PAR points Country - Region Winery Wine appellation
93 Gold PAR Bogen D - Saale-Unstrut  Winter wine farm 2020 Souvignier gris Barillet - "Nebra Venus" German wine

     Category "Sparkling wine

PAR points Country - Region Winery Wine appellation
93 Gold PAR Bogen D - Saale-Unstrut  Winter wine farm 2021 Sundowner Secco - "Nebra Venus" - Souvignier gris, Solaris 40% German Sparkling Wine