
PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL announces the ranking results for 2022

Frasdorf, October 2022 - Deeply impressed last weekend, the PAR® Certified Master Jury left the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL tasting room in Bavarian Frasdorf. The high average level of this year 's ranking has surpassed all expectations. The percentage share of Grand Gold and Gold ratings was 10 per cent higher than last year without changing the tasting pattern or medal ranking. This year's tasting has resulted in 30 Grand Gold, 130 Gold, 90 Silver and 20 Compliments. The overall winner was the 2020 Divico AOC from Weingut Florian Ramu, Lake Geneva, who achieved 99 points. Telephone information service will take place on October 26th

The results 2022: De främsta per kategori från Sverige

Frasdorf, October 2022 - It was an impressive PAR® Certified Master Jury that presented the provisional ranking at the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL in Frasdorf, Bavaria. The highest average level in the year's ranking exceeded all expectations: the Grand Gold and the Gold-between were 10 per cent higher than in the previous year, and this without any change in the proving scheme or the medal table. Totalt utdelades 30 Grand Gold, 130 Gold, 90 Silver och 20 rekommendationer. Totalvinnare med 99 poäng blev årgång 2020 Divico AOC från vingården Florian Ramu vid Genèvesjön i Schweiz. Avrapporteringen per telefon äger rum den 26 oktober.

The results 2022: Topscorerne i hver kategori fra Danmark

Frasdorf, oktober 2022 - Det var en imponeret PAR® Certified Master Jury, der i slutningen af forrige weekend forlod PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL's smagslokale i Frasdorf, Bayern. The final ranking for this year's ranking covers all categories: the percentage of Grand Gold- and Gold-bedømmelser lå 10 % højere end året før, og det uden at der var ændret på smageskemaet eller medaljefordelingen. Således blev Grand Gold tildelt i alt 30 gange, Gold 130 gange og Silver 90 gange, ligesom der blev givet 20 Recommendations. Samlet vinder med 99 point blev 2020er Divico AOC fra vingården Florian Ramu ved Genevesøen i Schweiz. Et opfølgende telefonmøde vil finde sted d. 26. oktober.

The results 2022: I primi classificati per categoria dall'Italia

Frasdorf, ottobre 2022 - la giuria master certificata PAR ®, alla fine del weekend scorso, ha lasciato la sala degustazione del PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNAZIONALE a Frasdorf, Baviera, in modo impressionato. L'alto livello medio della classifica di quest'anno ha superato tutte le aspettative: la percentuale delle valutazioni Grand Gold e Gold è aumentata del 10% rispetto all'anno passato. E questo escluso eventuali modifiche al programma di degustazione o al medagliere. Quindi ciò significa che in totale sono stati premiati 30 vini con Grand Gold, 130 vini con Gold, 90 vini con Silver e 20 vini con Raccomandazioni. Vincitore assoluto con 99 punti è il Divico AOC 2020 della cantina di Florian Ramu sul Lago di Ginevra in Svizzera. Il debriefing telefonico avrà luogo il 26 ottobre.


Frasdorf, October 2022 - It was an impressed PAR® Certified Master Jury that left the tasting room of the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL in Frasdorf, Bavaria, at the end of last weekend. Because the high average level of this year's ranking exceeded all expectations: the percentage of Grand Gold and Gold scores was 10 percent higher than last year, and that without any changes to the tasting scheme or medal table. A total of 30 Grand Golds, 130 Golds, 90 Silvers and 20 Recommendations were awarded. The overall winner with 99 points is the 2020 Divico AOC from the Florian Ramu winery on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The telephone debriefing will take place on 26 October.

The 2022 results: The top performers per category from Austria

Frasdorf, October 2022 - It was an impressed PAR® Certified Master Jury that left the tasting room of the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL in Frasdorf, Bavaria, at the end of last weekend. Because the high average level of this year's ranking exceeded all expectations: the percentage of Grand Gold and Gold scores was 10 percent higher than last year, and that without any changes to the tasting scheme or medal table. A total of 30 Grand Golds, 130 Golds, 90 Silvers and 20 Recommendations were awarded. The overall winner with 99 points is the 2020 Divico AOC from the Florian Ramu winery on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The telephone debriefing will take place on 26 October.

The 2022 results: The top performers per category from Sweden

Frasdorf, October 2022 - It was an impressed PAR® Certified Master Jury that left the tasting room of the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL in Frasdorf, Bavaria, at the end of last weekend. Because the high average level of this year's ranking exceeded all expectations: the percentage of Grand Gold and Gold scores was 10 percent higher than last year, and that without any changes to the tasting scheme or medal table. A total of 30 Grand Golds, 130 Golds, 90 Silvers and 20 Recommendations were awarded. The overall winner with 99 points is the 2020 Divico AOC from the Florian Ramu winery on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The telephone debriefing will take place on 26 October.

The 2022 results: The top performers per category from Germany

Frasdorf, October 2022 - It was an impressed PAR® Certified Master Jury that left the tasting room of the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL in Frasdorf, Bavaria, at the end of last weekend. Because the high average level of this year's ranking exceeded all expectations: the percentage of Grand Gold and Gold scores was 10 percent higher than last year, and that without any changes to the tasting scheme or medal table. A total of 30 Grand Golds, 130 Golds, 90 Silvers and 20 Recommendations were awarded. The overall winner with 99 points is the 2020 Divico AOC from the Florian Ramu winery on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The telephone debriefing will take place on 26 October.

The 2022 results: The top performers per category from Switzerland

Frasdorf, October 2022 - It was an impressed PAR® Certified Master Jury that left the tasting room of the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL in Frasdorf, Bavaria, at the end of last weekend. Because the high average level of this year's ranking exceeded all expectations: the percentage of Grand Gold and Gold scores was 10 percent higher than last year, and that without any changes to the tasting scheme or medal table. A total of 30 Grand Golds, 130 Golds, 90 Silvers and 20 Recommendations were awarded. The overall winner with 99 points is the 2020 Divico AOC from the Florian Ramu winery on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The telephone debriefing will take place on 26 October.

The 2022 results: The top performers per category from Italy

Frasdorf, October 2022 - It was an impressed PAR® Certified Master Jury that left the tasting room of the PIWI WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL in Frasdorf, Bavaria, at the end of last weekend. Because the high average level of this year's ranking exceeded all expectations: the percentage of Grand Gold and Gold scores was 10 percent higher than last year, and that without any changes to the tasting scheme or medal table. A total of 30 Grand Golds, 130 Golds, 90 Silvers and 20 Recommendations were awarded. The overall winner with 99 points is the 2020 Divico AOC from the Florian Ramu winery on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The telephone debriefing will take place on 26 October.