
Spain's organic winegrowers: 5 times Grand Gold, 23 times Gold, 7 times Silver and two recommendations

Frasdorf, May 2022 - A total of 28 PAR® Master tasters from several European countries came together*) on the second weekend in May to taste the 15th ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL with 543 organic wines from 19 countries. For the first time, two quality inspectors were part of this master team, specially appointed by WINE SYSTEM to validate each score. This is a response to the ever-increasing stylistic complexity of the tasting. Thus, the Frasdorf award professionals once again raised their strict standards and awarded 51 times Grand Gold, 264 times Gold and 199 times Silver in the spring edition. 27 wines received a recommendation. The overall winner this spring is a natural wine at the top of the ranking: the 2021 Oniric Brisat Xarello Vermell from the Entre Vinyes winery in Catalonia. The Qvevri wine from the autochthonous Xarello Vermell vine achieved 100 out of a possible 100 PAR® points.

Spring Edition: Registration for the ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL 2022 is open now

Frasdorf, January 2022 – In May 2022, the motto ‚Trust your Senses‘ becomes meaningful yet again because the WINE SYSTEM Jury will gather to run the 15th ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL. Precisely for this purpose, a number of 60 PAR® Certified Masters as a part of the Jury run through ongoing training. The secret behind the success of PAR® premium contests is the applicability of the results. Each point is more or less justifiable, and each tasting parameter is documented – a genuine rough diamond for quality management. Moreover, in case of success, a promotional medal is available too. The registration for the Spring Tasting is open now under . Registration deadline April 22nd, 2022.  

ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL – the results of the autumn 2021 tasting edition

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Germany's organic winegrowers achieve 9 times Grand Gold, 50 times Gold, 37 times Silver and 5 recommendations

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Austria's organic winemakers achieve 6 times Grand Gold, 32 times Gold, 23 times Silver and one recommendation

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Italy's organic winemakers achieve 3 times Grand Gold, 22 times Gold, 18 times Silver and one recommendation

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Spain's organic winemakers achieve 3 times Grand Gold, 15 times Gold, 6 times Silver and 2 recommendations

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

First contest with the extensive rebranding: WINE SYSTEM invites to join the autumn Tasting of ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL

Frasdorf, July 2021 – With a new brand image and keeping the full excitement for both most essential topics – wine and sensory, Wine System – Trust Your Senses invites you to join the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL, which is now the universal international name for the famous international organic wine award. Four days are scheduled for the autumn edition of the contest that will be definitely necessary to ensure that the high PAR®- Standards are fulfilled despite the leaping number of participants. It is still unclear whether the competition could be the first presence event since the beginning of the pandemic *)