
Édition de printemps : les inscriptions à l’ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL 2022 sont ouvertes

Frasdorf, janvier 2022 – « Trust your Senses » plus que jamais en mai 2022 : c’est la date à laquelle le jury WINE SYSTEM se réunit pour la dégustation dans le cadre de la 15ème édition de l’ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL. C’est précisément pour cela que les 60 maîtres du jury PAR® Certified Master sont formés en permanence. Puisque le secret derrière le succès du concours de qualité PAR® est la disponibilité de ses résultats : chaque point en plus ou en moins peut être justifié, chaque paramètre de dégustation est documenté : un diamant brut pour la gestion de la qualité. Viennent bien sûr se rajouter à cela une médaille promotionnelle dans le meilleur des cas. Vous pouvez dès à présent inscrire vos vins biologiques à l’édition de printemps sur La date limite d’inscription est le 22 avril 2022.  

ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL – the results of the autumn 2021 tasting edition

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Les viticulteurs bio allemands obtiennent 9 fois la Grande Or, 50 fois l'Or, 37 fois l'Argent et 5 recommandations

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Les viticulteurs biologiques autrichiens obtiennent 6 fois la Grande Or, 32 fois l'Or, 23 fois l'Argent et une recommandation

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Les viticulteurs biologiques italiens obtiennent 3 fois la Grande Or, 22 fois l'Or, 18 fois l'Argent et une recommandation

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Les viticulteurs bio espagnols obtiennent 3 fois la Grande Or, 15 fois l'Or, 6 fois l'Argent et 2 recommandations

Frasdorf, October 2021 – With a new uniformly named international name and brand image, the fourteenth ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL ran the tasting on October 1st – 04th, 2021. For the first time since the pandemic outbreak, the PAR® Jury could partly get together for an attended event. Accompanied by PAR® Certified Master colleagues based in the reliable virtual Tasting Room *), the Jury assessed 304 organic wines from 19 different countries. Twenty-six products were honoured with Top Gold, 155 wines received Gold, and 110 were decorated with Silver. Compliments went to the other 12 products. Summarising Spring and Autumn Tasting of this year's edition of the renowned contest, a new record of 1.116 organic wines from 21 countries was achieved, continuing previous years' success.

Premier concours depuis l'opération globale de rebranding : WINE SYSTEM convie à l'édition automnale de son concours ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL

Frasdorf, juin 2021 – C'est avec une toute nouvelle identité visuelle et un enthousiasme toujours aussi effréné pour le vin et l'analyse sensorielle, deux thématiques qui lui sont chères, que WINE SYSTEM – Trust your Senses invite à participer à son concours ORGANIC WINE AWARD INTERNATIONAL pour la 14e édition désormais. Célèbre dans la branche, ce concours était autrefois connu sous le nom de Prix international des vins biologiques et s'est vu renommer dans un souci d'unité internationale. Quatre journées entières de dégustation sont prévues pour cette édition d'automne car en octobre aussi, le jury souhaite s'assurer de la garantie des normes élevées propres aux concours PAR® suite à la montée en flèche du nombre de participants dernièrement. On ignore encore si ce concours sera le premier à être de nouveau organisé en présentiel depuis le début de la pandémie *). Quel que soit le cadre, les participants pourront se fier aux qualités habituelles des évaluations, à savoir l'objectivité, la transparence et la clarté. Chaque vin bio présenté sera apprécié à sa juste valeur à travers une évaluation dépassant le cadre des tendances et des normes. Ici, l'accent sera mis sur le produit, son origine et son mode de fabrication propre.